
Returns are an inevitable occurrence that cannot be avoided. The challenge for you is how to manage them efficiently and cost effectively. BOWARDY manages your returns process through specifically developed logistics channels allowing you concentrate your resources more efficiently.

Our returns management expertise will deliver a reduction in your total cost of service while also improving end-customer satisfaction levels at the same time by ensuring the returns process is a convenient and efficient experience.

We manage all major categories of product returns including used, defective and dead-on-arrival products, buyer remorse returns, demo returns and excess inventory.

By leveraging our integrated network of facilities and IT systems we can automate and manage your entire returns process globally with consistency and accuracy. We lower the total cost of service by centralizing all returns processing, automating product disposition and setting Beyond Economic Yield limits for repair/refurbishment based on ROI. BOARDWAY provides fast disposition/credit and routes products for recovery, refurbishment, repair and finally remarketing.